Cue Light, Cyberlight, Dimmer Rack
System for giving technical staff and actors silent cues by light. Cue lights ensure greater precision when visibility or audibility of actors is limited. Sometimes used for cueing actors onto the set. For technical cues, lights are normally now used just as a backup to cues given over the headset system. In the US, a red light means warn, and when the light goes off, it means GO.
Automated spotlight: The Cyberlight's high powered light output and unparalleled special effects features make this unit the fixture of choice for higher end shows, tours and installations. The MSR 1,200 lamp and precision optics provide unsurpassed brightness. Variable focus, zoom, rotating gobos, infinite color mixing, color correction and prism effects are just the beginning. Bidirectional data link provides the controller constant feedback and status of each fixture.
A number of individual dimmer circuits mounted in a cabinet.